Education is the key to success




 As a successful person in life and as a useful citizen in the sight no one can neglect the importance education reduces the challenges of happy life that one might face We have more knowledge in level there’ll be more opportunities for us off wages for professional and personal goals in life education is becoming very important part Sara a person Who acquires higher education will have more skills capable of doing multiple tasks as well as meet the work requirement set a individual is also aware how to balance fleshly and professional life. Education played an important role because it provides different perspective and establishes personally develop societal also latest technologies are developed and teaching doctors If the solution this cause of the desolation it’s the obligation of every person recognise the value of high schooling and education is very important to bring prosperity and build a stronger state People will not make a difference between wrong and right I am sure they are educated you show no person can open the doors of opportunities and substring back having a spoiler about your anaconda provides a knowledge of a particular subject but also it teaches us of our bodies and ways of self-respect and basic words of human beings Our advantages of educated people all these values and lessons are important if we want to make a peaceful place and it is done with education we can say that education is access factor for culture Socialization professional and personal growth it teaches us a few versions of living in the past people had success improved schooling and utilizes alternative ways could not but their success may be temporary the secret to success So if a person wanted to find success schooling is mandatory when you are able to get an education it helps you better understand your abilities so you can excel education also gives the sense of patience and management is the ultimate way to improved their lives & communication skills enhance your perspective and Develop your personal skills As well as your technical abilities the most important thing you will need to remember about education is that it helps individuals begin personal control of their own lives always refine education Because it opens the doors for various opportunities the new beginning understanding its importance your experience are being changed in your life after understanding yourself and your skills to me reach your vision and dreams that manner you feel that you’re doing the very enjoyable thing to get success in your life Do you actually need education to be successful in life? So you want to get a diploma why let me tell you what society will tell you it increases your chances of getting a job gives you an chance to be successful your life is going to be a lot less stressful Education is the key today let me tell you what your parents will inform you make me proud increases your chances of getting a job gives you an chance to be successful your life is going to be a good deal less stressful education is the key of life. Now let us look at the numbers Steve Jobs net worth seven billion our MP Richard Branson net worth 4.2 billion Oprah Winfrey net worth 2.7 billion Mark Zuckerberg Henry Ford Steven Spielberg Bill Gates now here comes the coop the joys considering these individuals What is your conclusion neither of them in being successful ever graduated from a higher learning institution now some of you that protest as if you know money is only the medium by which one measures worldly success a few of you even have the guts to say I don’t do it for the money So what are you studying for to work for a charity want more clarity let’s look at the statistics Jesus Muhammad peace be upon him Socrates Malcolm X mama Teresa Spielberg Shakespeare Beethoven Jesse always Muhammad Ali Shawn Cara Michael Jeffrey Jordan Michael Joseph Jackson were either of those people unsuccessful or uneducated all


I’m saying is that if there was a family tree hard work and schooling would be related or school will probably be a distant cousin like education is the key that why attend college is the look because it rarely ever develops your mind to the stage Where you can perceive red is green and continue to go when someone else said stop because so long as you follow the rules and pass the exams you are cool but do you know that examiner’s have a checklist and should you answer is something outside the box The automated responses across and they then claim that school expands your horizons and your dreams well tell that to Malcolm X that dropped out of school and his well renowned for what he learned in a prison proverbs 1716 It does a fool no good to invest in schooling why because he has no common sense George Bush need I say formal education is about inspiring one’s mind not only fill in their head and take this from me Because I am an educated man myself that only came to this realisation of the countless nights at the library using a can of Red Bull keeping me awake till dawn in another can in the morn falling asleep between powers of books which probably equated to the identical amount had spent my rent Memorize equation dates and facts straight down to the letter half of that I’d never remember and half of which I forget straight after the examination and before the start of the next semester arcs than anybody if they had notes for the previous lecture I often found myself running to class just so that I could find the place on which I could rest my head and fall asleep without creating a scene ironic that’s the only time I ever spent in university chasing my dreams and then after nights with a dead head identifying myself in the queue of half awake student success zombies waiting to hand in and assignment Maybe that is why they called it a deadline and then after three decades of psychological suppression and frustration my proud mother did not even turn up to my graduation now I am not saying that school is evil and there’s nothing to obtain all I’m saying is know your motives and reassess your aims Because in case you need a job working for somebody else then help your extent but then that would be a contradiction because you wouldn’t really be helping yourself you’d be helping somebody else is a saying that says if you don’t build your dream someone else will hire you to help construct des redefine How you see good education understand this true meaning education isn’t practically regard to take infraction or publication on someone else’s view on a subject to pass an exam look at it Picasso was educated and creating art Shakespeare was educated in the art of all that was written Colonel Harland Sanders was educated in the art of creating Kentucky Fried Chicken I once saw David Beckham take a free-kick I watch the society was Eddy that sponsored boom hit the paintin level of the ball at angle which caused it to travel towards the skies and Thus it had been destined for the heavens and then as it reached a peak of his sanity as though It changed its mind it switched directions I saw as the goalkeeper froze as Dore recited to himself the laws of physics and as though his brain was negotiating with his eyes that was really witnessing the spectacle of this lever swung That was sweeping towards it and then responded by only a fraction of a millisecond too late and before the neck of this target embraced the FIFA sponsored borders there is the protocols son returning home in the country That I live in erupted into cheers I look to the play and for damn looking at David Beckham is more than one way in this world to be an educated man.


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