The Compound Effect:
This is too easy to understand but too difficult to implement,
you can take it in 2 ways one is positive and other is negative,
you have some skills, knowledge, we consider them as 1 means 100%
- positive impact : If you practice your skills increase your knowledge by just 0.01 which is 1% then after 365 days : (1.01)^365 = 37.78 this means if you just make 0.01% positive change in your life you will become 37 times more skill full than today.
- negative impact: If you are not practicing your skills, it becomes forgotten slowly which we consider as it reduces by 0.01 which is also 1% then after 365 days : (0.99)^365 = 0.025 you are going to becomes 0.
this is not only applicable in skills, knowledge it will also applicable in all things like money, assets, sports, coding, and whatever you want to achieve in your life.
How to compound :
compounding will not happen in one day or 1 week, you have to apply it for complete 1 year and you can see the result in last month, because you feel 11 months you are not growing but compounding shows impact with time, so you have to work on one small change for 1 year, you can see the impact.
He who understands It, earns It … He who doesn’t … pays It.
Great One Sir, I should Implement it sir Thank You for Sharing.
👏🏻Nice one !