How knowledge has improved upon past years




“HOW CAN WE KNOW THAT CURRENT KNOWLEDGE IS IMPROVEMENT UPON PAST KNOWLEDGE?” Improvement the word itself denotes that there is something’s better version created. Something is now in more upgraded version. 

Let’s have a look at some the objects which will tell how better the version is of knowledge.


The solar-powered lamp and charger, made in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 2010. These is an extraordinary object that replaces electrical lights and electrical chargers. Solar energy is at the heart of the new industrial revolution, the low-carbon industrial revolution which is just beginning. It’s a revolution which will be enormously important in the history of mankind. It’s a portable solar energy panel that powers a lamp. In fact it’s sunshine, captured, harvested and stored, to be taken out and used whenever and wherever we need it. The 2.35 Watt solar panels, with an aluminum frame, ensures that the batteries get enough charge when they bask in the sunshine. A clean and renewable source of energy, the sun will help you light up your home when you are far away from a power grid.

I have selected the following object for this exhibition because it perfectly denotes how the knowledge has improved over the past. A better version of charger has been invented. One of the greatest advantage of solar powered lamp and charger is that in one hour we get as much energy from the sun on the earth as we use right across the planet in one year. Not everywhere there is supply of electricity and there are billions of people who are using phones, or also, once the daylight is over, they don’t get any source of brightness or even little bit of light, they experience total darkness. So at this point of time, the following solar powered lamp is used. And it is very cost effective. It also saves the environment. As there is improvement in knowledge, something like this has been created, which can be used by almost the whole world. Rarely there will be issue of light or charging supply.


One of the greatest improvement from cast to credit card. It was made in United Arab Emirates in the era of modern world. It was created in the period of 2000-2010. It is made up of plastic material. It is highly responsible for the global nature of modern finance. It might have been so difficult to store bulk amount of cash in home lockers or so and also it might have been so risky to carry money. Such a simple tool is created which stores our lakhs and cores of money in just one card. Credit card is a type of payment card in which charges are made against a line of credit instead of a account holder cash deposits. They are the financial tools that must be used with care. If this card is used properly over a convenient payment method, that can build credit and earn rewards for users.

This card also enriches this exhibition because it shows how the knowledge got upgraded drastically in past years. From the system of cash, our knowledge directly jumped upon the credit card. Also, the credit card can be a powerful tool that helps you improve your finances, get access to better financial products, save money on interest, and can even save you from putting down a deposit opening utility or cell phone accounts. Yes, no doubt this card has high rates of interest and sometimes, it also leads to overspending, but on the other hand it also protects your wholesome amount of money. The card is so much better than managing it has cash. Without understanding the system of lockers and all it allows me to keep my whole money in just one plastic card which is a very important tool in everyone’s lives. Due to enhancement of understanding level, such an essential object has been made.


The first refrigerators for home use were invented in 1913 and it was totally developed in 1930s. A refrigerator is a home appliance consisting of a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump. Refrigerator is an essential cooling and food storage techniques used by everyone nowadays. A refrigerator maintains a temperature a few degrees above the freezing point of the water. The first cooling system for water and food was ice, as the improvement of knowledge took place because of that, the refrigerator replaced the icebox, which had been a common household appliance for almost century and a half. Freezer units are used in households as well as in industry and commerce. Commercial refrigerator and freezer units were in use for almost 40 years prior to the common home model. As the understanding level of humans increased, there has been a wonderful evolution for the refrigerators.

This object brings an interest in the exhibition because it is a classic example to clarify, how the knowledge has improved upon the past years. Also, there has been a wonderful evolution for refrigerators. At very first, people use to have pots made up of mud, as it used the keep the water cool. But the problem was of food storage as there was nothing that could decrease the reproduction level of bacteria, as this leads to spoilage of food. So the food at olden times used to get waste more rapidly. But in today’s era, the food can be stored very easily. Also the water gets cooled in a very convenient way. Due to the embellishment of knowledge we could evolve from mud pots to the refrigerators. 



So these objects, are the ideal representatives for my prompt. It perfectly denotes and tells that how our knowledge has improved upon the past years.

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