Key to achieve your goals




 There is nothing as sweet as success. And it is the sweetest when achieved through sweat and hard labor. It has rightly been observed that nothing succeeds like success. Success is the crowning glory and a laurel of any struggle and fight full of odds risks. – It is the success which spurs man to hard work, dangers, andto posses, and the impossible. In a sense success is also the sole earthly judge of right or wrong. All desire success Dot only a chosen few have it. Now what is the secret of their success? What makes them a chosen few out of thousands of people struggling in vain? Why all men and women cannot be the makers of their destiny? Why does the dame fortune smile only one a handful of men and women? These are some of the crucial questions often asked and discussed. But the answers are not far to seek. They are very simple and well-known. It is the escapist or lazy who proclaims his ignorance about these and blames cruel fate or circumstances for his failures.


To be successful one has to be clear and definite about one’s aim and object. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Unless you know your destination, you cannot set out on a journey, nor can you make necessary preparations for it. Indecision and hesitation are great obstacles on the path of success. You can be firm, decisive, and resolute and determined only when your aim and object is before you. Well begun is half done? Your work is almost half finished if you know your destination and have chosen the right road. This is very crucial for success in life. A step once taken cannot be retraced without much loss of time, energy and advantage. Decide well, with deliberation, determination and also in time. Having decided your aim, career, profession or course of life, you must pursue it relentlessly with great care and sincerity. Your ambition may be modest or very high, but it never matters much. What is important is that you cherish it with all your powers of mind and heart. Let there be no half hearted things. Another secret of success is promptness that is doing things then and there. Procrastination is the thief of time. Time is precious, more precious than money and jewels. Time is opportunity. If once lost it never returns. All successful and great men and women have been great economizers of time. They made the best use of their time and never knew leisure. Be sincere, regular, and punctual in work. Develop healthy work-habits and work- culture. Have full devotion and faith in your work, and practice it ceaselessly because life is short. A proper use of time means proper use of an opportunity. They are fools who think they can waste time. It is time who is wasting them. Time is destiny and opportunity; it is all powerful. 


In order to be successful, works hard but at the same time avoid overwork. There should be a proper balance between work and rest. A successful man has also the ability to learn from others, from their mistakes, experiences and achievements. He is a good observer of things. Such a person is always courteous, polite, well- behaved and believes that honesty is the best policy. He also keeps his body fit because he knows that it is the most precious tool and instrument, and also that a sound mind lives only in a sound body. Good positive thoughts, optimistic attitude, faith in God and self, generosity, compassion are other essential elements of success in life. Hope, charity, faith in God etc., are essential for mental peace and poise without which no good work can be undertaken successfully.


I hope this may help you to achieve your goals and elsewise, always have faith in you

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