You are worth in this world




 What do you do when you appreciate someone for what they have done?


Most likely, you would say, “Thank you”, or you would be nice, kind, and courtesy towards the other person. But how many times do we say “thank you” to ourselves? How many times do we give thanks to our bodies for functioning properly? Not many times I guess. Self-appreciation is about turning the kindness you give to others inwards. Instead of blaming yourself for making mistakes or forget to do things, self-appreciation is about saying “thank you” to yourself for all the things you have done but taken for granted.


The Meaning of Self-Appreciation Self-appreciation is not a commonly used term. Most people confuse self-appreciation with self-esteem and self-confidence. But self-appreciation is actually very unlike the other two. Self-appreciation is not the same as self-esteem. Self-appreciation is the process of appreciating yourself. Appreciating yourself is about being grateful for yourself. You can be: Thankful that your body is functioning properly. Grateful that you are given your natural talents and gifts. Appreciative towards your weaknesses too. For example, even though I’m not good at leading a team or negotiating a deal, I do appreciate my quiet and reflective nature as an introvert.


Self-esteem, on the other hand, is a personal evaluation of one’s self-worth. It’s a judgment. Esteem itself is defined as respect and admiration. If you value yourself as someone who’s worthy of respect and admiration, then you have high self-esteem. If you don’t, then you have low self-esteem. People could have strengths in something, but they may not value them. The same strength could be valued differently by two people. Take the introvert as an example again. One may think being quiet is good, while another may think it’s a bad trait to have. Self-appreciation is neither of those. You don’t judge your introverted nature as good or bad. Because quality can be both a strength or a weakness under different circumstances. You are just grateful to have what you are given.


Being self-appreciative is not the same as being egoistic. Also, there’s nothing egoistic about self-appreciative. Some may think, “I can’t toot my own horn. I’ll be so conceited or arrogant. Praises and acknowledgment should come from someone else.” But that isn’t true. Unlike self-esteem, which may have an element of egoism involved, self-appreciation is all about being kind to yourself. Dr. Kristin Neff called this Self-Compassion in her book of the same title. When you appreciate yourself, you don’t enhance your self-image. You are just thankful. Our bodies come in different shapes and sizes. People who are appreciative of themselves, would treat their body with kindness and make the best use of what they are given. On the contrary, people who are driven by their ego would judge their bodies as either beautiful or ugly. If their body isn’t the same as the self-image they desire, they would shape it to what they perceive as perfection. And that’s nothing wrong with having a better-looking form.


Your body’s main job isn’t to make you look beautiful. But when you are self-appreciative, you don’t judge the form you are given. You are just grateful that your body is still functioning. Grateful to be able to breathe. And grateful that your heart is pumping blood to your whole body. Your body’s main job isn’t to make you look beautiful. That is a job your ego assigns to it. Its job is just to keep your form alive. Why Do You Need to Appreciate Yourself? Recently, I saw a photo of a Mother’s Day cake. On the cake, it writes, “To the greatest mother who ever lived in the history of the world.” But below the photo, there’s a caption: “My mother ordered her own cake this year.” This is what I called self-appreciation. Don’t wait for other people to appreciate you. If you have done a great job as a mother, father, or teacher, you don’t have to wait for others or a special day to acknowledge your effort. Why not appreciate yourself first for your effort?


How to Appreciate Yourself


  1. Don’t wait. Like with you don’t wait for others to appreciate you, you don’t wait till you achieve something great before you appreciate yourself. Do it now.


  1. Use kind words. Being appreciative of yourself is as simple as using kind words on yourself. Change how you speak to yourself. Think of the language you would use when you are being appreciative of someone else. Use the change language on yourself. Use less of those words that create judgment and drama.


  1. Keep a gratitude journal. Using a gratitude journal has many benefits. One of which is to help you uncover things that you have taken granted for about yourself. Having a fixed schedule to write your gratitude journal would also remind you to appreciate yourself.


  1. Give yourself a gift. Giving yourself a gift is one of the best ways to show yourself appreciation. You can be like the mother who gave herself a Mother’s Day cake. Gifts can be something material such as a cake, a new phone, a car, or a holiday. It can also be something simple such as taking a break from work, walking in nature, giving yourself a massage, or hugging yourself.


  1. Be yourself. Perhaps the best way to appreciate yourself is to just be yourself. Only someone who is appreciative of themselves would allow themselves to just be. They accept who they are as a person. Having weaknesses isn’t a big deal to them. They know what they have to offer others and know when to step back. So there’s no need to hide from others or be someone they are not. They are just appreciative and grateful for all that they are given.

 What do you do when you appreciate someone for what they have done?


Most likely, you would say, “Thank you”, or you would be nice, kind, and courtesy towards the other person. But how many times do we say “thank you” to ourselves? How many times do we give thanks to our bodies for functioning properly? Not many times I guess. Self-appreciation is about turning the kindness you give to others inwards. Instead of blaming yourself for making mistakes or forget to do things, self-appreciation is about saying “thank you” to yourself for all the things you have done but taken for granted.


The Meaning of Self-Appreciation Self-appreciation is not a commonly used term. Most people confuse self-appreciation with self-esteem and self-confidence. But self-appreciation is actually very unlike the other two. Self-appreciation is not the same as self-esteem. Self-appreciation is the process of appreciating yourself. Appreciating yourself is about being grateful for yourself. You can be: Thankful that your body is functioning properly. Grateful that you are given your natural talents and gifts. Appreciative towards your weaknesses too. For example, even though I’m not good at leading a team or negotiating a deal, I do appreciate my quiet and reflective nature as an introvert.


Self-esteem, on the other hand, is a personal evaluation of one’s self-worth. It’s a judgment. Esteem itself is defined as respect and admiration. If you value yourself as someone who’s worthy of respect and admiration, then you have high self-esteem. If you don’t, then you have low self-esteem. People could have strengths in something, but they may not value them. The same strength could be valued differently by two people. Take the introvert as an example again. One may think being quiet is good, while another may think it’s a bad trait to have. Self-appreciation is neither of those. You don’t judge your introverted nature as good or bad. Because quality can be both a strength or a weakness under different circumstances. You are just grateful to have what you are given.


Being self-appreciative is not the same as being egoistic. Also, there’s nothing egoistic about self-appreciative. Some may think, “I can’t toot my own horn. I’ll be so conceited or arrogant. Praises and acknowledgment should come from someone else.” But that isn’t true. Unlike self-esteem, which may have an element of egoism involved, self-appreciation is all about being kind to yourself. Dr. Kristin Neff called this Self-Compassion in her book of the same title. When you appreciate yourself, you don’t enhance your self-image. You are just thankful. Our bodies come in different shapes and sizes. People who are appreciative of themselves, would treat their body with kindness and make the best use of what they are given. On the contrary, people who are driven by their ego would judge their bodies as either beautiful or ugly. If their body isn’t the same as the self-image they desire, they would shape it to what they perceive as perfection. And that’s nothing wrong with having a better-looking form.


Your body’s main job isn’t to make you look beautiful. But when you are self-appreciative, you don’t judge the form you are given. You are just grateful that your body is still functioning. Grateful to be able to breathe. And grateful that your heart is pumping blood to your whole body. Your body’s main job isn’t to make you look beautiful. That is a job your ego assigns to it. Its job is just to keep your form alive. Why Do You Need to Appreciate Yourself? Recently, I saw a photo of a Mother’s Day cake. On the cake, it writes, “To the greatest mother who ever lived in the history of the world.” But below the photo, there’s a caption: “My mother ordered her own cake this year.” This is what I called self-appreciation. Don’t wait for other people to appreciate you. If you have done a great job as a mother, father, or teacher, you don’t have to wait for others or a special day to acknowledge your effort. Why not appreciate yourself first for your effort?


How to Appreciate Yourself


  1. Don’t wait. Like with you don’t wait for others to appreciate you, you don’t wait till you achieve something great before you appreciate yourself. Do it now.


  1. Use kind words. Being appreciative of yourself is as simple as using kind words on yourself. Change how you speak to yourself. Think of the language you would use when you are being appreciative of someone else. Use the change language on yourself. Use less of those words that create judgment and drama.


  1. Keep a gratitude journal. Using a gratitude journal has many benefits. One of which is to help you uncover things that you have taken granted for about yourself. Having a fixed schedule to write your gratitude journal would also remind you to appreciate yourself.


  1. Give yourself a gift. Giving yourself a gift is one of the best ways to show yourself appreciation. You can be like the mother who gave herself a Mother’s Day cake. Gifts can be something material such as a cake, a new phone, a car, or a holiday. It can also be something simple such as taking a break from work, walking in nature, giving yourself a massage, or hugging yourself.


  1. Be yourself. Perhaps the best way to appreciate yourself is to just be yourself. Only someone who is appreciative of themselves would allow themselves to just be. They accept who they are as a person. Having weaknesses isn’t a big deal to them. They know what they have to offer others and know when to step back. So there’s no need to hide from others or be someone they are not. They are just appreciative and grateful for all that they are given.

Always appreciate yourself and soon it will become your habit.







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